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daybreak / daylight

There's been an idea tumbling around in my brain for such a long time now. It's barely an idea- more like if thinking was a moment. Something so abstract and unformed, I'm constantly trying to grasp it, to make it tangible, to make it whole. I remember one morning, I was driving very early on a Sunday morning. It was the summer before my senior year of college, and I was exhausted. I was working from 7:00-3:30 Monday through Friday as a camp counselor, all day Saturday as a cashier, and every Sunday I needed to make the hour and 20 minute drive to church in Rochester to sing. I was so tired. It was just me and my mom at home all summer, and I found myself frustrated with her opinion that I shouldn't be tired - she works a full-time job, she knows what "tired" is, I just "play outside all day." So I was tired. For so many reasons, I was worn. Don't get me wrong, day camp is the best job I've ever had, but I was fatigued, thoroughly, inside and

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